
Hokkaido University Future Earth Consortium Bulletin No. 10 (Issued on February 28, 2025) published.

February 28, 2025

HUFEC Bulletin No. 10

Table of Contents

  1. First Asia Arctic Conference of the Asia-Arctic Network for Research and Education


  1. Academic Forum “Transition to a Carbon-Neutral Society that Leverages the Circular Economy and Harmonizes with Nature’s Revival”
  2. NIES Seminar: “Towards the IPCC AR7 Working Group III Assessment: Goals and Challenges”
  3. The Fifth Sustainability, Research&Innovation Conference (continued listing).
  4. Ecosystem Studies of Subarctic and Arctic Seas (ESSAS) Open Science Meeting (OSM) (continued listing).*

For the detailed articles, please click here.

This bulletin board is for people involved in Future Earth (FE) activities from the Future Earth Consortium of Hokkaido University (HUFEC).
Each issue contains information on FE-related news and events in Japan and abroad, including schedules and reports, and is distributed about once a month. For past articles, please visit the HUFEC homepage.

Contact: arc-hai-fes(at) in Arctic Research Center

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